Mesotherapy for Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Mesotherapy is a widely sought-after treatment for hair loss at PURÄ Aesthetic Clinic. Whether you are experiencing thinning hair or a receding hairline, a mesotherapy treatment may be the perfect solution. 

Hair loss is a common problem affecting both men and women and can be caused by numerous factors such as genetics, ageing, hormonal changes, and poor hair care habits. Mesotherapy involves injecting vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. This non-surgical treatment has shown promising results in combating hair loss effectively, making it a popular choice among those seeking to restore their confidence and regain their luscious locks. 

What is Hair Mesotherapy?

Hair Mesotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses a mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and medications directly into the scalp and around the hair follicles for hair restoration. This therapeutic procedure is designed to stimulate hair follicles, improve blood circulation to the scalp, and promote new hair growth. The variety of nutrients and active ingredients injected during Hair Mesotherapy nourish the hair follicles and strengthen the existing hair, leading to a hair loss reduction and an overall improvement in the quality and thickness of the hair. This treatment is particularly effective for individuals experiencing diffuse hair loss or thinning hair, as it provides targeted nourishment and revitalization to the scalp and hair. Hair Mesotherapy offers a safe and efficient solution to combat hair loss, promoting natural hair growth and restoring hair to its former glory.

What Does Mesotherapy for Hair Loss Involve?

 Mesotherapy for hair loss is a treatment that can provide new hair growth by injecting a specially formulated solution into the scalp. This solution is derived from the mesoderm (the middle layer of the skin). The injectable contains a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential for hair growth. The solution is applied directly to the exact place where the hair and scalp are affected. This allows the nutrients to penetrate deeply into the follicles and stimulate the hair follicles size to stop hair loss. By injecting the solution into the scalp, it helps the regeneration of damaged hair follicles, leading to hair growth in those areas. Mesotherapy for hair loss offers a non-surgical and effective solution for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning hair.

Who Should Have Hair Mesotherapy Treatment?

Hair mesotherapy is a treatment suitable for anyone who wants to combat different forms of hair loss or desires healthy hair, making it look stronger and thicker. This procedure is effective in both men and women for reactivating the hair follicles’ functioning cycle, and it is highly suitable for treating alopecia in acute cases or the initial stages of chronic processes. It is also an effective treatment after having undergone a hair graft to help hair grow faster and healthier.

We Are the Best Clinic for Mesotherapy Hair Loss Treatment

To combat hair loss or alopecia, it is necessary to have a correct diagnosis and a proper treatment plan. Therefore, it is essential to be assisted by trained professionals to get a prior examination and find the best alternative for your hair.

At PURÄ, we have a team with extensive experience in hair health, which will ensure optimum results for your hair fall without a hair transplant surgery. We also offer you the opportunity of combining mesotherapy with other treatments to optimise the effects, such as PRP Therapy or Carboxytherapy. Our doctors will advise you in a tailored way without further obligation.

Benefits of Mesotherapy Hair Treatment

The advantages of undergoing this treatment are many; As it is a painless and quick technique, Mesotherapy has become one of the preferred options to combat alopecia and prevent hair loss. It is capable of providing multiple benefits, among which the following can be highlighted:

  • By stimulating collagen and elastin production, it contributes to a healthier and more moisture scalp
  • By increasing blood circulation, it stimulates hair regrowth
  • Strengthens the weakened existing hair by injecting the scalp with the right nutrients.
  • Increases hair density and volume

Hair Mesotherapy Aftercare

Even if after a mesotherapy session, no downtime is required, to help with hair rejuvenation and restoration and the healing process, it is essential to take proper aftercare:

  • Avoid washing your hair with shampoo or balms for at least 3 to 4 days.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 2 to 3 days.
  • Stay clear of heated rooms, such as saunas or pools, for a week.
  • Do not apply pressure or massage the treated areas.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid swimming.

Hair Mesotherapy Price

Hair Mesotherapy …………………………………………………………………………………… Price €

The cost of mesotherapy for hair loss will depend on the needs of each patient, the type of pathology that needs to be treated and, therefore, the appropriate medications for each case. At PURÄ Málaga, prices are based on the number of sessions required.

Contact our Aesthetic Clinic to request an updated price and learn more about financial methods and possible discounts. 

Scalp Mesotherapy Before & After

Hair mesotherapy is the right treatment for hair loss or thinning hair. After a few sessions, the results become evident, making it possible to put an end to chronic hair loss and stimulate hair strength and health:

Hair Mesotherapy FAQs

Is Mesotherapy effective for hair growth?

Hair mesotherapy is highly effective in stimulating hair growth and reducing the effects of alopecia or delaying its appearance. With a success rate of around 92% for hair regrowth, it is a therapy recommended by the best hair experts worldwide.

How long does it take to see results from Mesotherapy hair?

In this case, it is necessary first to determine the condition to be treated. The results will depend on the type of alopecia and the medications used for the injections. As they are gradual, the mesotherapy effects generally begin to be appreciated from 3 months onwards.

Is Mesotherapy for hair painful?

Capillary mesotherapy is a painless procedure since the needles with which the treatment is performed are tinies and are only applied to the skin surface. The patient may feel discomfort at the time of application because it is a sensitive area, however, the pain will cease immediately. Cold can be applied to numb the treated area if necessary.

What are the side effects of scalp Mesotherapy?

As a non-surgical treatment, Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure with no risks or complications. Some side effects may be pain or burning in the treated area, but they disappear after a few hours. It can be done at any time of the year, it does not require recovery time, and the patient can return to their daily activities immediately after the session.

How many sessions of Mesotherapy for hair loss?

Our professional practitioners will determine the number of sessions and frequency depending on each patient’s needs. Generally, at least 10 sessions are required to stimulate natural hair growth. We recommend starting with treatments every 2 weeks for the first 2 to 3 months and then decreasing the frequency gradually. 

What is injected during a Hair Mesotherapy Procedure?

Usually mesotherapy sessions, the doctors inject a combination of active ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, growth factors, nucleic acids, and co-enzymes. These components are applied with microinjections into the middle layer of the skin to nourish the hair follicles and therefore promote hair growth and regeneration.

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If you have questions or want our doctors to advise you, contact us without further obligation. Your consultation is free! Our professionals will give you the best attention and ensure the desired results.

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